Sunday, March 29, 2009

Spiders and Other such things

Let me just preface this post by saying I'm totally, ridiculously afraid of spiders. Big or small. Any color, any creed, any species. I become paralyzed.

Now you can truly enjoy this. As I lay resting on the couch this afternoon, (having two extra kids all weekend) I thought my necklace was moving around my chest. I looked down in time to see a spider scurrying into my bosom. I screamed and smacked myself like a crazy woman and no spider fell out of my shirt. Being the busty woman I am, you can imagine where I found said spider. That's all I'm sayin. Dead of course, suffocated if not beaten to death. All in the house got a HUGE laugh at my expense. So not a delightful end to my weekend.

Friday we had company for brunch. I made an omelet roll, homemade cinnamon rolls (yes, the guests asked for a reprise) hash browns and my friend brought fruit salad. I set the table with nice dishes and put the juice and milk out in was lovely. I love to entertain, and I have a crazy obsession with dishes. I just don't get to do this often due to the complexities of my life...but I got the chance Friday and it was fun. Friday evening was a fun-filled girls night with four girlfriends, tacos and Mamma Mia. It was a little corny, but did give a giggle every now and then. Stayed out way too late. Saturday was lazy day. Hanging around in the house with Lil' while Matt, the girls, and every kid in the neighborhood hung out in the backyard. I go out there to find that my husband has made wooden "guns" for EVERYONE in the yard...that---are you ready for it----that shoot rubber bands. The Mom in me immediately starts panicing in my mind about someone getting shot in the eye and what a really bad idea this is even though everyone is having a crazy good time. About this time what do you think comes 15ft across the yard and flings me right in the middle of the face???? Um, yeah, I was none to happy about it. But do I kill the fun? Nope, just come back in and leave him to deal with whatever may happen, check your papers for the next lawsuit with our names in it...

Sunday I had every intention of going to church but I just could not get out of bed. I'm not sleeping very good these last couple days. Lillian is coughing a lot through the night and I'm having the craziest dreams. Rebecca had a choir performance today which was beautiful as always. Then I finally get rid of one extra kid and my oldest daughter and my niece fill my bedroom with candles and give me a foot/hand massage. The funniest thing about it was they tried to talk in accents, which was just hilarious.

Matt works early day shift this week which is likely to kill me, but I'll manage and at least he'll be with me to help at nights.

So how was your weekend? Any spiders down your shirts??


Finding Normal said...

No spiders, thank goodness! That would've freaked me out.
I'll let you know how many rubber band guns we confiscate today. LOL

Vickie said...

I just got the hibbie jibbies! Spiders, I hate them. I would have been running around the room! EWE!!

I had a rubber band shot into my eye when I was a kid. Ouch! I would have done the same thing and gone back hide.

Alicia said...

I don't generally have a problem with spiders but I would DEFINITELY have a problem with one going down my shirt!! As a fellow busty woman, I was cracking up at the image your account produced in my head! I'm glad you survived!

I do remember reading of Lillian's heart issues somewhere, either her baby diary or Prayers for Little Angels. Wow, we need to get these two little princesses who have so much in common together someday!


John Deere Mom said...

Oh, I would have beaten myself silly had I seen a spider ON ME. I LOATHE them!! Sounds like you had a pretty good weekend, all in all...better weekend than that spider had, anyway! :)

Anonymous said...

I just peed a little...hahahahaha