Monday, December 15, 2008

In case you are wondering

It's been a long week of harsh reality and disappointment. I haven't blogged, although I've had intention. Every time I sat down to type, nothing would here I am...Monday, five days before school is out, ten days until Christmas, ten days until I have to live with my husband for 24/7 without choking or maming, just kidding, I do love him, but it will be an adjustment to have him here all day and night every day. I'm trying to live in today and not think about tomorrow. Praying every day that Lillian will get better. Her cough doesn't seem to be hurting her (physically) at this point, so that must be a good thing. She still has green coming out, but it's looking less green. How's that for descriptive? My house is a disaster...does anyone know a cleaning fairy??? hee hee. I think she's sitting here in the chair typing...;) I have had some very humbling and undeserving experiences in the last couple of days. My children are going to have a very memorable Christmas thanks to some very giving Angels and my New Years Eve girl is going to have a birthday she won't forget. (thanks to even more Angels) I do want to say in spite of life...I try to be happy bc things could be a lot worse. A lot. Though none of recent events have been my choosing , there is a reason and the Lord is in control.

I have been tagged I think for a couple things....I'm supposed to list 7 random things about, let me see..
1. I do not like crowds
2. I only like to shop if I'm in need of something
3. I like some of the same movies I watched as a child
4. I love having a clean house, but don't love cleaning it
5. I did not get pregnant five times to try to have a boy
6. I always thought carrots would help me see better
7. I'm very literal

Now, if I remember right, I'm supposed to list five addictions
1. Mountain Dew
2. Reading (i'm on the fourth book of the Twilight series)
3. Scrapbooking/supplies/Stamping
4. chocolate
5. Sleeping

I also got another award from Vickie! Thanks a bunch bloggy buddy, I LOVE the little dog!!


Finding Normal said...

I'm glad the angels are finding you. I know it's humbling, and I know how gracious you are, and I have heard about how excited your girls were for a new outfit. So I know you're passing on that graciousness to them. Even if you don't know you're doing it.
Good luck with that cleaning fairy. If you find her, send her here ASAP! I'm the same way, would much rather be blogging!
Good luck also with the hubby. Shawn will be home with me the entire time as well. I'm already planning my field trips to "escape". LOL
And how did you get through 3 Twilights in like, a week? I'm very jealous! I can't even get through #1, and I have a stack of paperbacks from the John Deere Mom on my bedside table, trying to distract me.

Vickie said...

Thanks goodness for your Angels. Cleaning fairy, that would be so nice.

I love it when my husband is home for the day, yet he complains when I am indulging in one of my activites...blogging. I am not on the computer all day. Just occasionally. Really, occasionally:) Men:P

I really haven't sat down to read in about a month. Today was the first time. The only reason was because my oldest daughter and I was at her ortho.

Not really feeling the Twilight.

You are welcome for the award. They are fun to get:D

John Deere Mom said...

I hear ya on the husband front. Could not handle all the togetherness. Good luck with that! ;)
Glad the angels are finding you, too. Hope your string of bad luck is over and good news awaits you in '09. :)

Alicia said...

Glad to hear about a Merry Christmas and a Happy Birthday for your family. Angels are a wonderful thing!

If you ever get ahold of that cleaning fairy, send her my way when you are done with her!


Junior Mints said...

MY hubs will be here all the time too. And, my parents for 5 days...I plan on napping. A LOT.

A cleaning fairy would be great this week...