Saturday, March 5, 2011

Should be cleaning

I really should be, but I can't seem to find my mojo...HA! Really, I just keep doing tiny little minute things that are really not making ANY impact. Instead, I'm here blogging...I do clean and the older I get, (just turned the big 3-5) I enjoy it more. I get this strange sense of peace as I watch the dirt go down the drain...or see the shiny tables. Dust actually makes me wince a little, when I find it...and believe me, in my house, you'll find it. I'm by no means a great housekeeper nor a clean freak neatnik kinda girl. Just ask my family, they will certainly agree. Some more than others. I have come a LONG way though, in my housekeeping and it seems I actually like doing it. Somebody get a thermometer and check for a fever...for real.

Seriously, I have been crazy busy. At least ONE of my kids has taken turns with strep or bronchitis, or gastritis or ear infections for over a month. Not only do we have Lillian's "normal" issues, the other girls have been feeling it too. I HATE for my kids to be sick. When they are sick sick, you know, not sleeping, fevering, making you worry your little heart out sick? Hopefully, I think we are on the mend. Praise the Lord.

Today marks Madeline's ninth birthday. How is that even possible, I just don't know. Seems like yesterday she was laying on the couch with my "wuiwt" as she would say. Such a vibrant, full of energy, slightly sneaky, little girl, growing too fast for her Mommy. Singing, as we speak as she travels up the stairs. She helped me make treat bags for her class on Friday and they turned out adorable. Tomorrow, my family will gather and celebrate and tonight her boy cousins on Matt's side will be here for a play date in her honor. She will feast on her favorite Mcdonald's meal and all will be right in her world.

I hear the sound of the pledge can beckoning me to the living room, I suppose I must heed it's call.

Do you like to clean? Has your cleaning regime changed a lot over the years?

1 comment:

Treasures from a shoebox said...

Honestly, I don't like cleaning, however, I do enjoy a clean house. Causes a conflict within. :)

Happy birthday Madeline! Hope everyone gets well soon.